The Golden Angel foundation has a plan to purchase and install an air conditioning unit, so the children can be comfortable all day in the hot weather the Dominican experiences year round. In addition we intend to pay the shelter's monthly electric bill so the blessing of an air conditioner is truly a blessing that may be used.
Another desperate need is the bathroom facilities. We plan to repair or replace all facilities and fixtures including: showers, sinks, and toilets.
We would like to provide a washing machine for the shelter to be able to efficiently wash clothes and linens regularly.
Everyone deserves to have a safe, comfortable place to sleep. Our goal is to replace all furniture and supply comfortable, safe bunk beds with new mattresses for the girls to get a good night's sleep.

Children need basic tools to flourish in the school environment. Golden Angel would like to supply laptops with internet access, notebooks, pencils, and other traditional school supplies the children need to be successful in their schooling.
We would like to provide the children with simple recreational items that are often taken for granted, such as board games, books and toys.
Another need we intend to address is providing the children access to a therapist. These children have been exposed to horrific family traumas. They need someone to help them work through the trauma as well as reassure them about their future.
There is currently no means of transportation to take the girls to and from doctors appointments or shopping for personal care items. Reliable transportation will also help the older girls attend classes that will teach them much needed life skills to ensure a successful future. For these reasons, we would like to supply a means of reliable transportation for the shelter.
Finally, additional employees will need to be hired to assist in caring for the children daily by cooking, cleaning and providing breaks for the 2 current caretakers.
Looking to the Future

Orphan Boy on the Streets
The needs listed above are just the tip of the iceberg in Boca Chica. At the moment, the only boys’ shelters available are open from 8am-5pm. In these shelters, the boys are able to eat a meal and take a shower. After 5pm with nowhere to go, they are forced to sleep in the streets. With no shelter and no one to care for them, the boys have no interest in education. By the time a boy reaches the age of 18, the shelters turn them away. With no formal education and no way to earn a productive income, they often turn to crime to survive.
The current property of Pasitos De Jesus has enough acreage to build a 24 hour shelter for boys. We believe by offering proper care, attention and education to the boys of Boca Chica, we can help lower the crime rate.
In addition to meeting the current needs of Pasitos De Jesus, there is another shelter in neighboring Santiago city called Hogar Angeles de Conani. This shelter currently houses 132 children with physical and or mental disabilities. Most do not have family or only have a couple family members that visit once or twice a year. Golden Angel would like to provide new beds for Hogar Angeles de Conani. The current beds are broken and dirty and the children have developed bed sores from the year-round hot tropical climate. The Golden Angel Foundation has a goal to install an air conditioning unit and new windows in this facility. Finally, we would like to be able to cover the shelter’s utility bills and cost of items such as: diapers, baby formula and food as well as the purchase of coloring books and crayons.